
Review of a Premises Licence under the Licensing Act 2003


The Copper Rooms

12a Regency Square And 76-78 Preston Street



Premises Licence Holder:

Rachit Mehrotra

Date of Meeting:

27 July 2023

Report of:

Executive Director for Housing, Neighbourhoods & Communities

Contact Officer:


Sarah Cornell


(01273) 295801



Ward(s) affected:






1.1       To review a Premises Licence for The Copper Rooms under the Licensing Act 2003.


2.         RECOMMENDATIONS:    


2.1       That the Panel review the licence granted to the premises known as The Copper Rooms under the Licensing Act 2003.




3.1         Existing licence attached at Appendix A.


3.2         Brighton & Hove City Council is both the relevant licensing authority and a responsible authority in respect of any premises and may in its capacity apply under Section 51 of the Licensing Act 2003 for a review of any premises licence in respect of the premises.


3.3         An application was received by the Licensing Authority on 31 July 2023 from Sussex Police, to review the licence granted to the premises known as The Copper Rooms, 12a Regency Square And 76-78 Preston Street, Brighton, BN1 2FG






3.4         The grounds for the review relates to the following Licensing objectives


·         The Prevention of Crime and Disorder

·         Public Safety


Full details of the grounds for the review are in Appendix B with appendices


3.5         At this hearing the licensing authority must:  


·         Consider the application made in accordance with Section 51 

·         Consider any relevant representations

·         Take such steps (if any) as are considered appropriate for the promotion of the Licensing objectives. These steps are


o   to modify the conditions of the licence

o   to exclude a licensable activity

o   to remove the designated premises supervisor from the licence

o   to suspend the licence for a period not exceeding 3 months, or

o   to revoke the licence.


And for this purpose, the conditions of a premises licence are modified if any of them are altered, omitted or any new condition is added. It may provide that the modification or exclusion have effect for a specified period not exceeding 3 months.  The determination, if not completed at the hearing, shall be within 5 working days of the hearing.  Such determinations do not have effect until after the appeal period or, if an appeal is lodged, until after the appeal is disposed of.


Representations received


3.6         Details of the representations made are notified to applicants on receipt by the Licensing Authority using a pro-forma. A summary appears below:


3.7         One representation has been received from Brighton and Hove City Council Licensing Authority on the grounds of the Prevention of Crime and Disorder, Prevention of Public Nuisance and Public Safety supporting the application submitted by Sussex Police

3.8         Six representations have been received from interested parties including local businesses and residents in support of the premises.


3.9         Full details of the Licensing Authority representation is attached at Appendix C with referenced appendices. Full details of the supporting representations are attached at Appendix D.  A map detailing the location of the premises is attached at Appendix E.











4.1 The following extracts from Brighton & Hove City Council Statement of Licensing Policy are considered relevant to this application and are numbered as they appear in the policy:


1.    Introduction



This Statement of Licensing Policy has been prepared in accordance with the provisions of the Licensing Act 2003 (the Act) and having regard to Guidance issued by the Home Office under Section 182 of the act. This policy takes effect from 4 February 2021. The licensing authority is Brighton & Hove City Council. The purpose of this statement is to promote the licensing objectives and set out a general approach to making licensing decisions. The discretion of the licensing authority in relation to applications under the act is only engaged if ‘relevant representations’ are made by other persons or responsible authorities. This policy will inform the approach to be taken when deciding applications and imposing conditions when relevant representations are received. It is also intended as a guide for applicants as to what to include in their operating schedules, always recognising that if no representations are received, the application must be granted. The licensing authority must carry out its functions with a view to promoting the licensing objectives and this policy is framed around those objectives. Each application will be given individual consideration on its merit. The scope of this policy covers the following:


1.2    The licensing objectives are:-


            (a)       Prevention of crime and disorder;

            (b)       Public safety;

            (c)        Prevention of public nuisance;

            (d)       Protection of children from harm.

1.3 Scope

1.3.1 Licensing is about regulating licensable activities on licensed premises, by qualifying clubs and at temporary events. Any conditions attached to various authorisations will be focused on matters which are within the control of individual licensees and others with relevant authorisations; i.e. the premises and its vicinity. Each application will be given individual consideration on its merit. Nothing in this policy shall undermine the right of any individual to apply under the terms of the act for a variety of permissions and to have any such application considered on its individual merits. Similarly, nothing in this policy shall override the right of any person to make representations on an application or seek a review of a licence or certificate where provision has been made for them to do so in the act.

3.3 The Matrix Approach

The Licensing Authority will support:

3.3.1 Diversity of premises: ensures that there is a mix of the different types of licensed premises and attracts a more diverse range of customers from different age groups, different communities and with different attitudes to alcohol consumption. It gives potential for positively changing the ambience of the city or an area of it. This will have a positive effect in reducing people’s fear of crime and in increasing the number of evening visitors to the city centre. The Community Safety Strategy recognises that too many single uses in a confined area and patrons turning out onto the streets at the same time may create opportunities for violent crime and public disorder and therefore supports mixed use venues encouraging a wider age balance.

3.3.2 A “matrix” approach to licensing decisions has been adopted and is set out below. It provides a framework of what the licensing authority would like to see within its area and gives an indication of the likelihood of success or otherwise to investor and businesses making applications.

Matrix approach for licensing decisions in a Statement of Licensing Policy (times relates to licensable activities)
















Matrix approach for licensing decisions in a Statement of Licensing Policy




Cumulative Impact Area



Special Stress Area




Other Areas



Yes (midnight)

Yes (midnight)

Yes (midnight)


Yes (10 pm)

Yes (10 pm)

Yes (10 pm)

Late Night Takeaways


Yes (midnight)

Yes (midnight)

Night Club






Yes (11pm)

Yes (midnight)

Non-alcohol lead (e.g. Theatre)

Yes (favourable)

Yes (favourable)

Yes (favourable)





Yes (Up to 11pm but if in densely residential area may be earlier – see note 7 below)

Members Club (club premises certificate)

Yes (<100 capacity) (11pm)

Yes (<100 capacity) (11pm)



Notes on matrix

Subject to the following notes, the policy, as represented in the matrix, will be strictly adhered to:

  1. Each application will be considered on individual merit
  2. Applications within the CIZ are subject to the special policy on cumulative impact at para 3.1, and those within the special stress area to the special stress policy considerations at para 3.2.
  3. Departure from the matrix policy is expected only in exceptional circumstances
  4. Exceptional circumstances will not include quality of management or size of venue except where explicitly stated in policy matrix.
  5. Exceptional circumstances may include: consultation with and meeting requirements of responsible authorities, an appropriate corporate social responsibility policy, community contribution to offset impact (such as financial contribution to infrastructure), community support, alcohol sale ancillary to business activity (demonstrable to responsible authorities and licensing authority, for instance by licence condition allowing authorised officers access to sales accounts).
  6. The following licensing activities are encouraged and valued by the licensing authority: outdoor regulated entertainment, community based street parties, members clubs, traditional pubs outside the city centre and non-alcohol led licensable activities, particularly within city centre.
  7. Other Areas; consideration will be given to the nature of the area and location in relation to any application. In a residential area for example the concerns of local residents will be relevant when considering applications for off-licences, pubs or cafes, especially if there is evidence of anti-social behaviour, street drinking or underage drinking. Earlier closing times may be appropriate. Regard will be had to the Public Health Framework for assessing alcohol licensing on our website
  8. In an area where there are already several existing off-licences or where the premises is situated within a parade with another off licence and where representations are received about negative cumulative impact on the licensing objectives of a further premises, the application may be refused on these grounds or restrictions placed on the terminal hour to reflect opening hours of other shops.
  9. Outdoor events will be supported where arranged through the council’s event planning process. Generally, regulated entertainment in the open air including tents and marquees should have a maximum closure hour of 2300. Earlier hours may be imposed in sensitive open spaces or near residential areas. The licensing authority will have regard to Noise Council guidance.

10. Non-alcohol led category does not include “alcohol in shared workplaces”. It is recommended that sale of alcohol in shared workspaces should have a terminal hour of no later than10pm. For further advice and guidance on “alcohol in shared workplaces” please see paragraph 3.3.4-3.3.6.


4 Prevention of Crime and Disorder

The following details and measures are intended to address the need for the prevention of crime and disorder which may be associated with licensed premises and certificated club premises. Conditions attached to licences and certificates will, as far as possible, reflect local crime reduction strategies.

4.1.1 The licensing authority acknowledges that training and good management play a key part in preventing alcohol and drug related crime. The authority expects that all licensees of on-licensed premises attend training programmes which will raise their awareness of the issues relating to drugs and violence in licensed premises, and that suitable training be extended to all bar staff and door supervisors so that drug dealers and users will be deterred from using licensed premises for illegal purposes and that incidents of violence in licensed premises will be reduced. Licensees are also encouraged to attend training programmes to help identify children at risk and issues of basic child protection. It is the duty of the designated premises supervisor (DPS) to train staff on induction concerning conditions on their premises licence.

4.1.2 It is expected that the DPS will spend a significant amount of time on the premises. When not on the premises it will be essential that the DPS is contactable, particularly should problems arise with the premises and that staff are authorised by the DPS.

4.1.3 The location of violent attacks, anti-social behaviour and hate crime or related incidents may be used to justify closing times.

4.1.4 Measures put in place should support the intentions of Operation Marble (police operational order), which aims to prevent incidents of crime and disorder within the night time economy, at weekends. Operation Marble operates with a view to minimising the risk to the public of being a victim of public place violent crime; to reduce incidents of violent crime and public disorder within the city centre; to deal positively with offences and offenders; to secure and preserve evidence which will assist in the prosecution of offenders and to support the night time economy and the responsibly run businesses within it.

4.2 Sussex Police

4.2.1 Sussex Police have a specific Operation relating to the night time economy called Operation Marble (detailed in 3.4.1) and work closely with partners to ensure a safe and vibrant city centre. There continues to be an increasing demand for resources further into the early hours of the morning with the highest concentration of crimes occurring between 21:00 and 06:00 on a Friday into a Saturday and between 20:00 and 06:00 on a Saturday night into a Sunday. The data set used shows that up to 80% of arrests made in the timeframe 20:00 – 06:00 on these days were affected by alcohol. For full details of these statistics see the Cumulative Impact Assessment at Appendix E.

4.2.2 The dealing and use of drugs remains an issue across the city and Sussex Police welcome proactive policies from licensed premises. A drug safe and seizure recording initiative is in place of which further details can be obtained by contacting Brighton & Hove Police Licensing ( This initiative encourages licensed premises with Door Supervisors to search and seize drugs from persons attempting to enter their premises and ensures that once drugs are removed from persons, they can be safely collected and destroyed by Sussex Police.

4.2.3 Dispersal from the city centre during the late evening and early morning remains a policing challenge. Over recent years, there has been a proliferation of off-licences and late night refreshment venues along the city’s arterial routes. This has led to incident ‘hot spots’ where patrons from the night time economy continue to interact, albeit away from any safety measures afforded by on-licences. As such, Sussex Police support the Council’s Special Policy in offering guidance to both applicants and the Licensing Committee in relation to off-licences and late night refreshment licences.

4.2.4 Sussex Police have continuing concerns that, despite staff training in age-restricted sales, under age individuals are still being served alcohol both on and off the premises in some of the city’s licensed premises. As such, regular intelligence-led ‘test-purchase’ operations are conducted to highlight premises where sales are taking place and ensure appropriate enforcement action is taken to prevent further sales. The introduction of identification scanning machines at premises throughout the city has proved successful in mitigating some risk, but operators must maintain vigilance regarding the fraudulent use of genuine IDs. Sussex Police continue to work alongside the Business Crime Reduction Partnership to tackle the problem of those who use false or another’s identification to enter licensed premises and purchase alcohol.

4.2.5 Sussex Police work closely with venues and other organisations within the city to protect vulnerable people from becoming victims of crime. As well as work to prevent under age sales, vulnerability training is offered to identify persons who may have been made vulnerable through alcohol or drugs. Sussex Police also support initiatives such as (but not limited to) safe spaces, mobile teams of volunteers actively checking people’s well-being and the Beach Patrol.

4.2.6 Public Space Protection Orders have proved an effective tool for Sussex Police in targeting enforcement action in problem areas of the city. It ‘allows Police Officers and Police Community Support Officers to remove alcohol from any person in a public place if that person is involved in anti-social behaviour (ASB) or the officer believes that by having alcohol in their possession there is an increased risk of ASB. It is an offence to refuse to hand over alcohol when required to do so.’ They have been particularly effective in the day time economy where members of the street community are causing ASB issues for members of the public and local businesses, especially during the summer months where there is a large influx of visitors to Brighton & Hove.

4.2.7 Policing the night time economy continues to provide a challenge and in the climate of limited resources and newly emerging problems, Sussex Police support maintaining the council’s Special Policy which defines cumulative impact and special stress and will continue to take enforcement action where appropriate if the actions of a Premises Licence Holder, Designated Premises Supervisor, Door Supervisors or Staff have fallen below the high standard expected across the city. Sussex Police also recognise and support businesses which are aware of their social responsibilities and as such, actively contribute towards keeping Brighton & Hove a safe and enjoyable city.

4.3 Care, control and supervision of premises

4.3.1 The Licensing authority supports the Business Crime Reduction Partnership and other approved schemes. Where appropriate, premises licence holders should be members of the BCRP for the deterrence to violent crime that such membership provides. The BCRP NightSafe radio scheme is normally expected as an operational requirement for city centre bars, clubs and pubs and is an example of good practice in achieving the aim of reducing crime and disorder and improving public safety. Well managed pub-watch schemes provide information exchange between the premises licence holders and responsible authorities that reduce and deter violent crime and disorder. The council will support a responsible licensing scheme.

4.3.2 The effective management and supervision of a venue is a key factor in reducing crime and disorder, both within it and outside. The police will consider the applicants, objecting to the application where appropriate. The police may suggest crime prevention measures in relation to, for example, the internal layout of the premises, closed-circuit television, help points, lighting and security staff. The police may ask for conditions which support such measures to be imposed when licensing applications are granted, e.g. type of licence, capacity, operating hours restrictions.

4.3.3 Following the grant of a licence, the management and supervision of the premises, in so far as it might impact on crime and disorder, will continue to be monitored. Particular attention will be paid to any licensed premises where there is evidence of criminal activity or any association with racist or homophobic crime. The licensing authority will keep itself well briefed on the nature, location and type of premises where alcohol related violence and disorder are occurring so it can take full account of the facts and avoid exacerbating problems as required by the Community Safety Strategy. Where licensed premises are found to cause nuisance or be associated with disorder or unreasonable disturbance, the review process may be invoked, and powers of revocation or the imposition of conditions may be considered. Conditions may include use of closed-circuit television, licensed door supervisors and earlier closing times. Such action to restrict the operation may be taken for trial periods to allow businesses an opportunity to remedy existing disorder, nuisance or disturbance.

4.3.4 This policy recognises the use of registered Door Supervisors All Door Supervisors will be licensed by the Security Industry Authority. Mobile security units and similar systems are in use by some premises operators as a means of providing security cover at very short notice at premises which may not normally require a permanent security presence. This policy endorses the use of units following such guidance and standards in appropriate circumstances.

4.3.5 The development of codes of practice and general operating standards for security companies is encouraged for local businesses; premises operators are urged to ensure that security services, when engaged, are provided by suitably qualified businesses operating to recognised standards and who should be working towards SIA accreditation.

4.3.6 Enforcement will be achieved by the enforcement policy appended (Appendix B of SoLP).


5 Public Safety

The following details and measures are intended to address the need for the protection of public safety which may be associated with licensed premises and certificated club premises.

5.1.1 The permitted capacity is a limit on the number of persons who may be on the premises at any time, following a recommendation by the relevant fire and rescue authority under the Regulatory Reform (Fire Safety) Order 2005. For any application for a premises licence or club premises certificate for premises without an existing permitted capacity where the applicant wishes to take advantage of the special provisions set out in section 177 of the 2003 Act, the applicant should conduct their own risk assessment as to the appropriate capacity of the premises. They should send their recommendation to the fire and rescue authority which will consider it and decide what the “permitted capacity” of those premises should be.

5.1.2 Normally in the city centre, pubs and clubs will be expected to operate using polycarbonate or toughened/shatterproof glass.

5.1.3 Conditions may be imposed in accordance with operating schedules to protect public safety including where justified:

  1. provision of closed-circuit television and panic buttons.
  2. use of shatterproof drinking vessels; bottles requiring use of toughened glass or plastic should normally be required unless applicants can show exceptional reasons.
  3. use of door supervisors, licensed by the Security Industry Authority.
  4. requirement of a minimum of a licensed door supervisor for every 100 customers in nightclubs and large city centre pubs or as indicated by risk assessment.
  5. occupant capacity conditions will be applied where appropriate.
  6. the provision of designated and suitably trained first aiders.

6 Prevention of Public Nuisance

The following details and measures are intended to address the need for the prevention of public nuisance which may be associated with licensed premises and certificated club premises:

6.1.1 In determining applications for new and varied licences, regard will be had to the location of premises, the type and construction of the building and the likelihood of nuisance and disturbance to the amenity of nearby residents by reason of noise from within the premises, as a result of people entering or leaving the premises or from individuals or groups of customers gathered outside (e.g. in order to smoke).

6.1.2 Applications for new licences or for the extension in size of licensed premises should not normally be granted if the premises will use amplified or live music and operate within or abutting premises containing residential accommodation except that occupied by staff of the licensed premises. A condition may be imposed on new licences that entertainment noise shall be inaudible in any residence. Noise emanating from within licensed premises should not normally be audible outside.

6.1.3 Installation of sound limiting equipment and sound insulation may be required to minimise disturbance to the amenity of nearby residents by reason of noise from the licensed premises.

6.1.5 In determining applications for new licences or extensions in hours or terminal hours of licensed premises, regard will be had to late night public transport availability and location of taxi ranks to aid dispersal of customers.

6.1.6 Reasonable controls are available to all premises operators to minimise the impact of noise from customers outside. The council’s Environmental Health Department has issued guidance on a number of steps that can be taken in this respect which are endorsed by this policy (see 6.2 below).

6.2 Smoking Advice

6.2.1 Premises licence holders will be expected to:

Develop a management plan on how to manage smoking on their premises and ensure that all staff are aware of the contents of this plan, and that it is effectively implemented. Noise from people smoking and talking can be intermittent, vary in character and volume and be intrusive. An effective smoking management plan will help prevent neighbours being disturbed.

6.2.2 Licensed premises should normally display prominent, legible signs at exits reminding customers to leave in a quiet, peaceful, orderly manner.

8 Integration of Strategies

8.1.1 The licensing authority shall secure the proper integration of this policy with local crime prevention, planning policy, transport, tourism and cultural strategies by:-

8.1.2 In line with statutory requirements and the council’s Inclusion Policy, the Licensing Authority shall have due regard to the need to eliminate unlawful discrimination, and to promote equality of opportunity and positive relations between persons of diverse backgrounds, for example communities of interest such as: lesbian, gay, bisexual and transgender people; disabled people; racial and ethnic groups; religious and faith groups.

8.1.3 This policy supports the aims of the tourism strategy, recognising the benefits for the tourism economy of creating a safer and more attractive city centre and improving competitiveness with other European cities. The Licensing Committee should receive any reports relevant to the needs of the local tourist economy and the cultural strategy for the area to ensure that it considers these matters.

8.1.4 The Licensing Committee should receive relevant information relating to the employment situation of the area and the need for new investment and employment where appropriate.

8.1.5 Specific conditions may be attached to premises licences to reflect local crime prevention strategies. Such conditions may include the use of closed circuit television cameras, use of the NightSafe radio system or accredited scheme, the provision and use of shatterproof drinking receptacles, drugs and weapons search policy, the use of registered door supervisors, specialised lighting requirements, hours of opening. Certificates issued to club premises shall reflect local crime prevention strategies and may include any or all of the requirements listed above.

8.1.6 The licensing authority will have regard to the need to disperse people quickly and safely from the city centre to avoid concentrations which may produce disorder and disturbance.

8.2 Other regulatory regimes

8.2.1 This policy avoids duplication with other regulatory regimes wherever possible. The following notes are made with regard to specific regimes:

Health and Safety

Certain premises will be the subject of health and safety enforcement by the local authority or the Health and Safety Executive (HSE). If other existing law already places certain statutory responsibilities on an employer or operator of premises, for example the Management of Health and Safety at Work Regulations 1999, it will not be necessary to impose the same or similar duties on the premises licence holder or club. However, existing duties will not always adequately cover specific issues that arise on the premises in connection with, for example, certain types of entertainment, and where additional and supplementary measures are necessary to promote the licensing objectives, necessary, proportionate conditions will need to be attached to a licence.



Fire Safety 

Premises and their operators will be regulated by general duties under current fire safety regimes and the Regulatory Reform (Fire Safety) Order 2005 rather than licensing provisions.


Statutory and public nuisances are dealt with by the local authority’s Environmental Health department under the Environmental Protection Act 1990, Noise Act 1996 and associated legislation. Noise from commercial premises may often fall under review powers set out in licensing provisions and closure powers in anti-social behaviour provisions.

Equality Act 2010

The Public Sector Equality Duty obliges public authorities to have due regard to the need to eliminate unlawful discrimination, harassment and victimisation, and to advance equality of opportunity and foster good relations between persons who share protected characteristics and persons who do not share it. The local authority’s equality and inclusion policy produced under these obligations shall include reference to this statement of licensing policy.

Community relations

Integration of corporate strategies with licensing policy will include the Inclusive Council Policy which recognises the council’s role, as a community leader, to promote community cohesion and good relations between diverse communities. Measures to address prevention of crime and disorder recognise the need to improve wellbeing and safety of all the communities in the city. Licensing policy supports the Crime and Disorder Reduction Partnership’s crime reduction strategy. In particular it seeks to confront and reduce racist, homophobic, transphobic and religiously motivated crimes, incidents and anti-social behaviour.

Anti-Social Behaviour, Crime and Policing Act 2014 

Contains powers to close premises that are causing nuisance or disorder. These powers can be exercised by the council or Police and they replace the closure powers in the Licensing Act 2003. The Act also contains powers to issue Community Protection Notices in respect of persons or businesses committing anti-social behaviour which is spoiling a community’s quality of life.

Litter and Smoking

CityClean contractors have Clean Neighbourhoods powers to enforce premises operators’ responsibilities to keep frontages clear of litter.

Gambling Act 2005 

In relation to casinos and bingo clubs, the principal purpose is gaming. The sale of alcohol and the provision of entertainment in such premises is incidental to gaming and in determining whether to permit entertainment that constitutes regulated entertainment under the act, gaming license committees and / or the Gambling Commission will have taken into account relevant government guidance. Accordingly, it is felt that the licensing objectives will have been, or will be in the main, adequately considered by such committees and duplication of conditions should be avoided when considering applications under the 2003 Act where relevant representations have been made.

8.3 Enforcement

8.3.1 The Enforcement of licensing law and inspection of licensed premises is detailed in the Protocol between Sussex Police, the East Sussex Fire & Rescue Service and Brighton & Hove City Council. This protocol reflects the need for more efficient deployment of Police and Local Authority staff commonly engaged in licensing enforcement and can be found at Appendix D (Lead Agency Status) of the Statement of Licensing Policy. In addition, the Licensing Authority will have regard to its published Licensing Enforcement Policy in making enforcement decisions in accordance with Brighton & Hove City Council’s Statement of Licensing Policy (Appendix B). In order to better target enforcement resources, inspections will be undertaken outside of normal office hours and the sharing of information between all enforcement agencies will be encouraged through joint meetings or similar arrangements.

8.3.2 Attention is drawn to the targeting of agreed problem and high risk premises requiring greater attention as identified in the protocol. A number of other council and government policies, strategies and guidance documents must be taken into account to complement the policy, including:

9 Reviews

9.1.1 Reviews represent a key protection for the community. Where the licensing authority considers action necessary under its statutory powers it will take necessary steps to support the licensing objectives. Action following review will be informed by licensing enforcement policy – Appendix B.

9.1.2 Where style of operation of a premises leads to applications concerning likelihood of racist, religiously motivated, homophobic or transphobic crimes or incidents, the review process should also support the community safety policy. Action should be proportionate and licences would normally be suspended or revoked in these circumstances to deter further incidents.




Financial Implications:


5.1         The Licensing Act 2003 provides for fees to be payable to the licensing authority in respect of the discharge of their functions. The fee levels are set centrally at a level to allow licensing authorities to fully recover the costs of administration, inspection and enforcement of the regime.


            Finance Officer Consulted Michael Bentley                                Date: 12/07/23


Legal Implications:


5.2         The licensing authority must act to promote the four licensing objectives which are:


·         The prevention of crime and disorder

·         Public safety

·         The prevention of public nuisance

·         The protection of children from harm

The licensing authority must have regard to its statement of licensing policy and the guidance issued by the Secretary of State in carrying out its functions.


            Lawyer Consulted: Rebecca Sidell                                               Date: 10/07/23


            Equalities Implications:


5.3         Diversity is valued and strong, safe communities are vital to future prosperity. Licensing policy aims to protect children from harm including sale and supply of alcohol to children.


            Sustainability Implications:


5.4       Licensing policy aims to prevent public nuisance and develop culture of live music, dancing and theatre.







1.         Appendix A – Part A of Premises Licence


2.         Appendix B – Review Application


3         Appendix C – Representation from Licensing Authority


4         Appendix D – Supporting Representations


5         Appendix E – Map of area







Documents in Members’ Rooms


Brighton & Hove City Council, Licensing Act 2003: Statement of Licensing Policy 2021.


Home Office, Revised Guidance issued under section 182 of the Licensing Act 2003, December 2022.


Public Health Framework for Assessing Alcohol Licensing – January 2022.

Background Documents


Brighton & Hove City Council, Licensing Act 2003: Statement of Licensing Policy 2021.